Thursday, March 15, 2012


It's been such a long time since I wrote. Determined to resurrect my passion in writing things, I have decided to start writing again. People say the easiest thing to write about is something you like the most, so, I will write a little, not only about D herself, but about me and D, about our relationship. Cause while it is true that D is the one I like, but there's also something about the chemistry between us that's really hard to dislike.

I won't be offended if you (if there's even anyone reading this blog created for personal consumption) call me and this whole blog ridiculously cheesy, or sickeningly boasting, mainly because it's true :)).  

Liking someone and liking the chemistry between you and that someone is different. You may like someone because of their looks, but that doesn't mean you can chat till midnight with that same person and still have lots of things to talk about. Chemistry, in my humble opinion, share almost the same level of importance as feelings. But then again, good chemistry stems from the feeling of wanting to be with each other and interact, so I guess in the end as long as you like each other enough, you will be fine. Wait, I'm just babbling and contradicting myself here.

The point is, I feel blessed to be able to be together with someone I have good chemistry with. Me and D works as a lot of different type of relationship, she's like my sister, my daughter, my best friend, my student, and many more. I like what I have with D since it's not just our feelings that tie us up, but also because of the good friendship we have, the brother/sisterhood, and many more. 

D is somehow like a sponge, she accepts anything that I'm talking about and relate to it. Maybe this is why we always have a very good time chatting, although in a non-relationship context. We do run out of things to talk about sometimes but when it do, our feelings of wanting to chat gives us the will to look for things to talk about. I guess our feelings for each other synergize with our dynamics as a friend, and that's what makes D so fun. We share the same interest and point of view, but we also have our difference, which we always try to cope with. 

I don't really know why I wrote about this, maybe because last night, after such a long time I have a really fun conversation with D, and that reminds me how lucky I am to find someone that fits this perfectly, someone that clicks right into me.