Afternoon, readers.
This post is made due to my promise to K that I would try to elaborate what I felt that night. Haha. But I would like to remind you again, that eventhough I've tried so hard to put it in words, it might not be as well-elaborated as your expectation.
It was the night when K told me that he made a Tumblr account about me. He gave me the link and I opened it. I went through the pages, did a quick-read cause I wanted to read it from the first post and go backwards. And from the quick read of the entries, I felt bad instantly.
I felt bad for a lot of reasons. From making he felt all sad everytime I get mad or badmooded. I should better talk to him directly rather than being all silent. I should better be offline rather than being online and let him reached me. And I should better not be that childish to let him know I was in a bad mood.
That's my nature I can't easily change. I grew up to be an introvert who think that my problems might be seen so damn unimportant to other people. I grew up as a girl who can't control her words when she's mad or not in a good mood. That's why I never talked to him everytime I got all badmooded, I don't want to make everything seems worse.
But there he was, always kept reaching me and asked me what happened with me. Convincing me that it's better to let it all out to him and let him know rather than being silent. Comforting me. He always made me feel that I'm never alone. And sometimes, when I didn't feel like talking to anyone, I ignored him.
That is why I told him that he's just too kind for me, for bearing my bad traits. He is always sincere, and I feel really really bad to ignore those sincerity.
And forgive me, if in the future time I would still be silent when I'm mad or in badmood. But in my silence, I will still feel your kindness and sincerity, and I will still feel bad for ignoring, as I always do.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Secret Trip
Greetings, stranger. In this post we will tell you about our first trip outside town. Yea, D and I actually had this crazy ideas about going outta town just the two of us, and it actually happened last short holiday. Oh, for a side note, D didn't actually told her mother *she's in that rebellious phase lol*. And yeah, we went to... Dufan (Dunia Fantasi) located at Ancol, Jakarta. And now you know that we're Indonesian.
So, we met up at 8 AM in Bogor Station (and now you know we live in Bogor), but you gotta know that I have this bad habits of coming late, so yeah, I was late for like 10 mins. We bought the ticket and went to Dunkin Donut's, I accompanied K to have his breakfast there. We got into the train afterwards, had some light chats before I went sleepy... and finally slept.
AND I TOOK A PICTURE OF HER FALLING ASLEEP! (Y). I would post that here but D would kill me lol. Okay, so along the way, I was there, awake waiting for the ticketman to check our ticket while D was soundly asleep on my shoulder. Such a sleepyhead *slapped*. So anyway, we got off at the right station *luckily*, the Jakarta Kota station. IMHO, generally train stations in Indonesia isn't that good, but it'll suffice for simple transportations.
After went to the toilets and minimarket to buy drinks, we continued our journey by using Jakarta's public transportation num. 15 A. We took off in front of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol to buy tickets and walked for about 5 mins to reach Dufan. After buying tickets (again), we took our first steps in Dufan. Believe it, WE ACTUALLY MADE IT! We were in Dufan!
Lol we got pretty excited cause it felt surreal. It's her first time going outta town only with a guy, and the same applies to me. Actually the last time I visited Dufan was like a month ago, but nevertheless I was excited. You have to see the look on D's face, she was like a little girl who went to a toyhouse store . Her last visit was like 3 years ago, right D? Okaay, so we took pictures, and actually there's one we can share. It's a picture of our hands:
Hahahaha moving on to the tale. You're right, K, I was super duper excited! Fyi, we used a similar t-shirts we bought from an E-Comp. After taking some pics, we decided to queue on Kora-Kora. We also took a picture by myself so it won't look as good as being taken by other people. Long story short, it was our turn. We sat on the very right side of the ship. K challenged me when someone screamed first, they will got hit by other's hand. And sadly, it was me cause I couldn't hold my scream any longer -____- and what seems more annoying was, K didn't scream at all. Pity me.
HAHAHAHA I WIN LOL. And Kora-Kora wasn't my favorite ride, and D said that she liked it so much that once, she ride it 5 times in a row. AND SHE STILL SCREAMED FIRST, GO ME!. Okay, moving on with the tale, after Kora-Kora we go to Hysteria! D never ride it before, so she was kinda scared. The ride is basically, you sit down, then you will be launched upwards then you will be slammed back down. Super breathtaking.
Yeah, literally breathtaking until I couldn't feel my soul up there. I screamed while K just laughed. LOL. He told me to enjoy the view. I did enjoy it so much, the blue ocean over there was so damn fabulous! And finally we landed, I could barely feel my feet on the ground for a while. Then we went to other ride, which is Tornado. We have rode it before, so it wasn't as thrilling as Hysteria (for me). But still, I screamed -___- And fortunately, because the queue wasn't so long, we got 2 rounds of riding Tornado! Yay!
A little about Hysteria, there's two side of it right? You sit on the backside, then you get an amazing view of the ocean, and if you sit on the frontside, you get a view of Dufan. So for you fellas that's fortunate enough to ride it one day, be sure to ride on the backside. Okay, so the next ride is tornado, and we ride it for a loooong time. I was so dizzy after riding it lols, a good kind of dizzy tho. The other people on that ride was like, begging to stop the ride. Epic lol.
K told me that he went dizzy so we went to go to Perang Bintang or Star Wars to relieve the dizziness. It was his favorite ride. He gained more than 15000 points while I just got 7000. And weirdly, I was the one who got dizzy after riding it. We went to McD to have lunch, and tadaaa... we got jackpots! Some of my friends in my batch who go to the same school with me were there, and I was a bit confused wondering that they might tell my parents, but I don't really think about it. I didn't want to ruin my very good mood in such a lovely day.
FYI, it's 16.600 points. I compeletely owned D and all the people in our train. NOT my favorite ride, but I enjoyed beating the crap out of everybody nonetheless *slapped*. Yeaa, and all the time on lunch, we discussed excuses to go with D's mother if she found out. Oh yes, we're your typical rebellious teenager. And just FYI I don't really like McD's chicken, but the scrambled egg was delicious tho. Oh, D was on a light fever that day, so she asked me to remind her not to drink cold beverages, and I did. She didn't drink her coke that she ordered along with her foods LOL what a shame. We used it to wash our hands instead HAHAHA. After some times thinking about excuses, we decided to just shrug it off, and go to Halilintar!
Halilintar! It took some time to find the ride because the location is kinda far from the restaurant. And from that time, we kept an eye of those highschool friends we just met. Quite happy because we couldn't find them anymore in the rest of the day. Aaand K challenged me again to sit on the front seat but I was scared. Fortunately, we didn't get that front seat. Instead, we sat in the back side of the ride, it was his first time sitting in the back side, if I recall it right.
She recalled it right. I always took the front seat thinking that it'll be the scariest, but I was proven wrong. It turns out that being in the back part of the train gives you more speed, so it was kinda scarier. But you couldn't enjoy the view tho lols. Oh, I should mention that in every ride there was a cam and you could buy the picture of you in that ride, but we didn't buy any because our faces was so ugly in the rides. Total mess. Okay, we finished Halilintar and I didn't get nauseous, turns out sitting in the back equals less dizziness. Oh, here's a pic of Halilintar:
After riding Halilintar, we intended to ride Niagara. But seeing the long queue, we decided to go to Rumah Kaca first. It was my first time to go there, but eventho K has gone there before, he didn't really remember the way out. So it was a total journey. But what made it more fun, we took picts. No, not just ordinary pictures! You know that the mirrors reflect the light and there are a hell lot of mirrors. We made experiments! The lights were so dim so the camera blitz went out. And if we point the blitz to the mirror, our face couldn't be seen, rite? Thank God there was K, he's so damn good in science. He calculated it then voila! After some failures, we made perfect pictures!
Yea, so we took pictures with D's cellphone rite? So she pointed the cellphone to the mirror in our right, while we smile to the cellphone reflected on our left. In the end, the photograph is our face inside the mirror that's in the mirror D's cellphone's facing to. Confusing? Indeed, but the result is epic. I feel epic. So sorry we couldn't share the pic here, because then, our identities will be revealed. Lol I feel like a secret agent.
We are secretive. Lols. Then we went to Niagara-gara. The queue was as the same as we saw before. But we talked about so many things so we didn't feel like queuing so long. Nah, it's our turn! Actually I didn't want to be on the first seat but no one sat there so I instantly be the one who sat in the front. Nah, the water splashed and I was so damn wet. K was too, but not too wet was I was.
D was damn wet! We actually took pictures, and there was this picture of D looking like some sort of swamp monster. But then again, as much as I wanted to post it, D would kill me lols. A shame actually, you should see it, it's damn epic. And so, after Niagara-gara, we went to the other wet attraction which is Arung Jeram! The last time I went here, Arung Jeram was closed *on this occasion, Bianglala was closed* so I was damn excited. But then again, the thing about Arung Jeram is... the queue is the longest of them all -___-
Anyway, here's the picture of Niagara-gara and Arung Jeram!

Shame, shame. I was the one making silly pictures the whole day, hm? Hahaha. Anyway, we didn't buy any photos because our faces were damn ugly lols. We weren't as wet as after riding Niagara, but we wanted to dry ourselves up with the afternoon breeze. It was my idea actually, cause K didn't really like to ride that ride. It was Ontang-Anting. I sat on the edge while K sat on the inner part of it. He told me he got kinda dizzy right after we landed, I felt bad -___- But he didn't get worse so it was kinda fine.
Lols, I had a silly picture too right before we leave. So we ride the Ontang-Anting, and it was fine, so breezy, and I actually found a way to not be dizzy! Lols I feel awsum. Oh, and about the Arung Jeram ride, it was AWESOOME! But we didn't get wet tho, I can't stay on my seat so I went and stood up just to avoid getting wet and voila, I wasn't wet. lol. Okay, so nearing the end, we were about to ride the Merry-go-Round, but we canceled it because there's no time left. So instead, we went and buy a hotdog. AND THIS IS WHERE D TOOK A SILLY PIC OF ME MUNCHING MY HOTDOG =))
Yes, it was silly! And he mentioned something inappropriate to be written here that made me lose my appetite of eating the rest of my hotdog. K took a picture of me too, but it wasn't as weird as his. Haha. And finally we decided to take picture together, so K asked a man to take picture of us. It was a really good picture with Caroussel as its background. It was near 5 PM so we left Dufan to catch up the train to Bogor. We walked along the road to fetch Angkot, it was breezy and I felt better although I wasn't fully healthy.
Actually, it's not my comment that's inappropriate... *whispers* it's D's mind that's inappropriate. But anyway, we went home after taking a picture. It's really a shame D is unhealthy, even after I gave her a pill of panadol earlier that noon. I enjoyed our trip to the station, and we got there on time to catch our train schedule. Thank God we didn't miss it, cause if we do, we'd be home an hour later, and I bet D's parents will go nuts. Lol, nothing eventful actually happened until we got in the train.
We got in the train back to home. So I was really tired and K allowed me to sleep on his shoulder. I tried to sleep along the way on his shoulder, but I couldn't, so I opened my eyes again. K suddenly borrowed my phone and typed something until at least I got what he's talking about. There was a woman who sat across us watched us strangely from the time we got in the train!
Yeah, D was sleeping on my shoulder and I was about to sleep on her head when I noticed this woman sitting across us that's staring at us all the way. I stared back but she did not falter, instead, she stared harder. It's like she knows us. And thus, I became somewhat insecure, cause if she does know us and told me or D's parent, we'll be totally screwed. And so, after unsuccessful stare, I did something with D.
You know what K typed on my cellphone? He asked me to follow his lead. I didn't really get it 'what kind of lead should I follow' at the first time but then I knew so we kinda had a fake conversations that consisted of fake informations such as: we went to Jakarta with some of our friends who got separated in train. Strangely, the stranger didn't look away from us, so we went kinda quiet for the rest of the way. Until finally she went off in some stations before us, and later known that she got nothing to do with our family relations. We went off at Bogor station, and took 02 until BTM.
Lol, we were so afraid that our families will know about our forbidden relationship #exaggaration. Yeah, and after that, the day came to a close. It was one of the happiest day I had with D. Third happiest, maybe we will tell you about the rest later, but you just have to wait ;). The bottomline is, we actually made our mad idea came true! I feel awesome. We ARE awesome.
I remember when I and K were about to wait for me to take 08 and go home, we went talking about our adventure. It was a total fun, K has successfully took me on my rebellious phase to something really rebellious. Oh, I haven't told my parents about this. Hope they won't find out. Pray for us, readers! Wait for our next epic stories, but I don't force you, tho.
Seeya later :D
So, we met up at 8 AM in Bogor Station (and now you know we live in Bogor), but you gotta know that I have this bad habits of coming late, so yeah, I was late for like 10 mins. We bought the ticket and went to Dunkin Donut's, I accompanied K to have his breakfast there. We got into the train afterwards, had some light chats before I went sleepy... and finally slept.
AND I TOOK A PICTURE OF HER FALLING ASLEEP! (Y). I would post that here but D would kill me lol. Okay, so along the way, I was there, awake waiting for the ticketman to check our ticket while D was soundly asleep on my shoulder. Such a sleepyhead *slapped*. So anyway, we got off at the right station *luckily*, the Jakarta Kota station. IMHO, generally train stations in Indonesia isn't that good, but it'll suffice for simple transportations.
After went to the toilets and minimarket to buy drinks, we continued our journey by using Jakarta's public transportation num. 15 A. We took off in front of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol to buy tickets and walked for about 5 mins to reach Dufan. After buying tickets (again), we took our first steps in Dufan. Believe it, WE ACTUALLY MADE IT! We were in Dufan!
Lol we got pretty excited cause it felt surreal. It's her first time going outta town only with a guy, and the same applies to me. Actually the last time I visited Dufan was like a month ago, but nevertheless I was excited. You have to see the look on D's face, she was like a little girl who went to a toyhouse store . Her last visit was like 3 years ago, right D? Okaay, so we took pictures, and actually there's one we can share. It's a picture of our hands:
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Our hands. Lol guess which's D's. |
Hahahaha moving on to the tale. You're right, K, I was super duper excited! Fyi, we used a similar t-shirts we bought from an E-Comp. After taking some pics, we decided to queue on Kora-Kora. We also took a picture by myself so it won't look as good as being taken by other people. Long story short, it was our turn. We sat on the very right side of the ship. K challenged me when someone screamed first, they will got hit by other's hand. And sadly, it was me cause I couldn't hold my scream any longer -____- and what seems more annoying was, K didn't scream at all. Pity me.
Kora-Kora |
![]() |
Hysteria. |
Tornado. |
K told me that he went dizzy so we went to go to Perang Bintang or Star Wars to relieve the dizziness. It was his favorite ride. He gained more than 15000 points while I just got 7000. And weirdly, I was the one who got dizzy after riding it. We went to McD to have lunch, and tadaaa... we got jackpots! Some of my friends in my batch who go to the same school with me were there, and I was a bit confused wondering that they might tell my parents, but I don't really think about it. I didn't want to ruin my very good mood in such a lovely day.
FYI, it's 16.600 points. I compeletely owned D and all the people in our train. NOT my favorite ride, but I enjoyed beating the crap out of everybody nonetheless *slapped*. Yeaa, and all the time on lunch, we discussed excuses to go with D's mother if she found out. Oh yes, we're your typical rebellious teenager. And just FYI I don't really like McD's chicken, but the scrambled egg was delicious tho. Oh, D was on a light fever that day, so she asked me to remind her not to drink cold beverages, and I did. She didn't drink her coke that she ordered along with her foods LOL what a shame. We used it to wash our hands instead HAHAHA. After some times thinking about excuses, we decided to just shrug it off, and go to Halilintar!
Halilintar! It took some time to find the ride because the location is kinda far from the restaurant. And from that time, we kept an eye of those highschool friends we just met. Quite happy because we couldn't find them anymore in the rest of the day. Aaand K challenged me again to sit on the front seat but I was scared. Fortunately, we didn't get that front seat. Instead, we sat in the back side of the ride, it was his first time sitting in the back side, if I recall it right.
She recalled it right. I always took the front seat thinking that it'll be the scariest, but I was proven wrong. It turns out that being in the back part of the train gives you more speed, so it was kinda scarier. But you couldn't enjoy the view tho lols. Oh, I should mention that in every ride there was a cam and you could buy the picture of you in that ride, but we didn't buy any because our faces was so ugly in the rides. Total mess. Okay, we finished Halilintar and I didn't get nauseous, turns out sitting in the back equals less dizziness. Oh, here's a pic of Halilintar:
After riding Halilintar, we intended to ride Niagara. But seeing the long queue, we decided to go to Rumah Kaca first. It was my first time to go there, but eventho K has gone there before, he didn't really remember the way out. So it was a total journey. But what made it more fun, we took picts. No, not just ordinary pictures! You know that the mirrors reflect the light and there are a hell lot of mirrors. We made experiments! The lights were so dim so the camera blitz went out. And if we point the blitz to the mirror, our face couldn't be seen, rite? Thank God there was K, he's so damn good in science. He calculated it then voila! After some failures, we made perfect pictures!
Yea, so we took pictures with D's cellphone rite? So she pointed the cellphone to the mirror in our right, while we smile to the cellphone reflected on our left. In the end, the photograph is our face inside the mirror that's in the mirror D's cellphone's facing to. Confusing? Indeed, but the result is epic. I feel epic. So sorry we couldn't share the pic here, because then, our identities will be revealed. Lol I feel like a secret agent.
We are secretive. Lols. Then we went to Niagara-gara. The queue was as the same as we saw before. But we talked about so many things so we didn't feel like queuing so long. Nah, it's our turn! Actually I didn't want to be on the first seat but no one sat there so I instantly be the one who sat in the front. Nah, the water splashed and I was so damn wet. K was too, but not too wet was I was.
D was damn wet! We actually took pictures, and there was this picture of D looking like some sort of swamp monster. But then again, as much as I wanted to post it, D would kill me lols. A shame actually, you should see it, it's damn epic. And so, after Niagara-gara, we went to the other wet attraction which is Arung Jeram! The last time I went here, Arung Jeram was closed *on this occasion, Bianglala was closed* so I was damn excited. But then again, the thing about Arung Jeram is... the queue is the longest of them all -___-
Anyway, here's the picture of Niagara-gara and Arung Jeram!

Arung Jeram
Shame, shame. I was the one making silly pictures the whole day, hm? Hahaha. Anyway, we didn't buy any photos because our faces were damn ugly lols. We weren't as wet as after riding Niagara, but we wanted to dry ourselves up with the afternoon breeze. It was my idea actually, cause K didn't really like to ride that ride. It was Ontang-Anting. I sat on the edge while K sat on the inner part of it. He told me he got kinda dizzy right after we landed, I felt bad -___- But he didn't get worse so it was kinda fine.
Lols, I had a silly picture too right before we leave. So we ride the Ontang-Anting, and it was fine, so breezy, and I actually found a way to not be dizzy! Lols I feel awsum. Oh, and about the Arung Jeram ride, it was AWESOOME! But we didn't get wet tho, I can't stay on my seat so I went and stood up just to avoid getting wet and voila, I wasn't wet. lol. Okay, so nearing the end, we were about to ride the Merry-go-Round, but we canceled it because there's no time left. So instead, we went and buy a hotdog. AND THIS IS WHERE D TOOK A SILLY PIC OF ME MUNCHING MY HOTDOG =))
Yes, it was silly! And he mentioned something inappropriate to be written here that made me lose my appetite of eating the rest of my hotdog. K took a picture of me too, but it wasn't as weird as his. Haha. And finally we decided to take picture together, so K asked a man to take picture of us. It was a really good picture with Caroussel as its background. It was near 5 PM so we left Dufan to catch up the train to Bogor. We walked along the road to fetch Angkot, it was breezy and I felt better although I wasn't fully healthy.
Actually, it's not my comment that's inappropriate... *whispers* it's D's mind that's inappropriate. But anyway, we went home after taking a picture. It's really a shame D is unhealthy, even after I gave her a pill of panadol earlier that noon. I enjoyed our trip to the station, and we got there on time to catch our train schedule. Thank God we didn't miss it, cause if we do, we'd be home an hour later, and I bet D's parents will go nuts. Lol, nothing eventful actually happened until we got in the train.
We got in the train back to home. So I was really tired and K allowed me to sleep on his shoulder. I tried to sleep along the way on his shoulder, but I couldn't, so I opened my eyes again. K suddenly borrowed my phone and typed something until at least I got what he's talking about. There was a woman who sat across us watched us strangely from the time we got in the train!
Yeah, D was sleeping on my shoulder and I was about to sleep on her head when I noticed this woman sitting across us that's staring at us all the way. I stared back but she did not falter, instead, she stared harder. It's like she knows us. And thus, I became somewhat insecure, cause if she does know us and told me or D's parent, we'll be totally screwed. And so, after unsuccessful stare, I did something with D.
You know what K typed on my cellphone? He asked me to follow his lead. I didn't really get it 'what kind of lead should I follow' at the first time but then I knew so we kinda had a fake conversations that consisted of fake informations such as: we went to Jakarta with some of our friends who got separated in train. Strangely, the stranger didn't look away from us, so we went kinda quiet for the rest of the way. Until finally she went off in some stations before us, and later known that she got nothing to do with our family relations. We went off at Bogor station, and took 02 until BTM.
Lol, we were so afraid that our families will know about our forbidden relationship #exaggaration. Yeah, and after that, the day came to a close. It was one of the happiest day I had with D. Third happiest, maybe we will tell you about the rest later, but you just have to wait ;). The bottomline is, we actually made our mad idea came true! I feel awesome. We ARE awesome.
I remember when I and K were about to wait for me to take 08 and go home, we went talking about our adventure. It was a total fun, K has successfully took me on my rebellious phase to something really rebellious. Oh, I haven't told my parents about this. Hope they won't find out. Pray for us, readers! Wait for our next epic stories, but I don't force you, tho.
Seeya later :D
I've never been really distracted from the day when my report is given to my parents. I usually got panicked, some kind of regrets rushed into me in the night, or get myself busy with unimportant things just to keep me distracted by the fact that tomorrow is the d-day.
But it was June 2011.
K told me that the last day of my exam week will be the first day of us to get into a talk. Yes, readers, K is leaving Bogor to college, and at that time we haven't decided on what would we be after K leave. I mean, Bogor and Bandung is so distant, we won't be able to see each other for months. I used to question myself, how would a relationship work if we don't see each other? Having the thought that I and K will part in a week saddened me. So I thought so hard and came up with an idea.
So, after one tiring week of last exam, I got fully distracted by this thing. By myself and himself. By the future. I thought we need a lot of time to think what's best for us, but it took only less than 2 hours when K finally said that he wanted to stay this way. Or in another word, have an LDR. What I know is, next time I agreed his idea, cause we both know that deep inside our hearts, we don't want this to end... yet.
It was a really nice week to spend with K, until the last day he stayed in Bogor. We had a really good time we know we won't forget for the rest of our lives. And it was 2 days straight to the d-day, and I didn't even think about my reports.
It's not because only I had some quality time with K, but it's also because his help.
I've been studying hard for the exam back then, limiting myself to communicate with him, so I wouldn't get any remedials, and my last week with him won't be ruined. And I succeed! Ah, it's not fully because of my hardwork, it was because of his help too.
K helped me. A LOT. TOO OFTEN. From January (where we know the 2nd semester started) until I had the exam week. Even via texts, or IMs, or DMs, and direct teaching.
Friday, when I got my report and he left. I wish I could show him my report in person, show him how much he has inspired and motivated me through the whole semester.
Thank you, I'm a step closer to my dreams :)
P.S. If you ever wonder what's this post about, don't ask me. I have no idea. Don't be mad.
But it was June 2011.
K told me that the last day of my exam week will be the first day of us to get into a talk. Yes, readers, K is leaving Bogor to college, and at that time we haven't decided on what would we be after K leave. I mean, Bogor and Bandung is so distant, we won't be able to see each other for months. I used to question myself, how would a relationship work if we don't see each other? Having the thought that I and K will part in a week saddened me. So I thought so hard and came up with an idea.
So, after one tiring week of last exam, I got fully distracted by this thing. By myself and himself. By the future. I thought we need a lot of time to think what's best for us, but it took only less than 2 hours when K finally said that he wanted to stay this way. Or in another word, have an LDR. What I know is, next time I agreed his idea, cause we both know that deep inside our hearts, we don't want this to end... yet.
It was a really nice week to spend with K, until the last day he stayed in Bogor. We had a really good time we know we won't forget for the rest of our lives. And it was 2 days straight to the d-day, and I didn't even think about my reports.
It's not because only I had some quality time with K, but it's also because his help.
I've been studying hard for the exam back then, limiting myself to communicate with him, so I wouldn't get any remedials, and my last week with him won't be ruined. And I succeed! Ah, it's not fully because of my hardwork, it was because of his help too.
K helped me. A LOT. TOO OFTEN. From January (where we know the 2nd semester started) until I had the exam week. Even via texts, or IMs, or DMs, and direct teaching.
Friday, when I got my report and he left. I wish I could show him my report in person, show him how much he has inspired and motivated me through the whole semester.
Thank you, I'm a step closer to my dreams :)
P.S. If you ever wonder what's this post about, don't ask me. I have no idea. Don't be mad.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
It Began
It began, D and I officially has started a Long Distance relationship. As of yesterday, I have started to live in Bandung, away from D. We decided to go the distance a week before I go, like what we agreed upon *so we won't think about parting until 1 week before we part*. I hope everything will be okay with us.
Monday, June 6, 2011
How I Met The Damsel
Worry not, cause this is not a parody attempt of the hit rom-com, but a real-life story instead. I gave up writing humor a long time ago when my mind got more rational. Not promising I would not start again soon though, I may post some lame-ass humor post, even here, in the near future.
But anyway, let's just cut to the chase.DO NOT expect a 10 season story on this cause this is just another uneventful meeting, I assure you.
It all started on around mid-2009 in the front yard of our lovely *yet corrupt* school, SMA Negeri * Bogor -we're not telling you what's our highschool, yet. It was the afternoon assembly on the regeneration period of an extracurricular in our school, one that your mother... -wait, scratch that- I mean, Damsel and I joined. We actually joined on the same year, despite the fact she's my junior, so both of us are new in that club -cause extracurricular is such a long word.
And just like that, I saw her for the first time. She was wearing a scout uniform -you see, D is a sociable person unlike me, and she also joined Scout, and is looking so fresh. Fresh as a freshman -just FYI, she's a freshman. I was not interested at all -well, maybe a little- in her at that time. Back then, I only see her as someone I will be acquaintanced to.
The first words I hear from D was a simple introduction -it was meant so that everyone will get aquaintanced, it is a committee regeneration period after all, shyly spoken. After stating her name, *********** ***** ****** -not the real amount of letters, she finishes with a hint of a smile. Yea, she was showing off her rabbit teeth.
But never once I imagined that that rabbit smile will be my favorite for a long, long time.
But anyway, let's just cut to the chase.DO NOT expect a 10 season story on this cause this is just another uneventful meeting, I assure you.
It all started on around mid-2009 in the front yard of our lovely *yet corrupt* school, SMA Negeri * Bogor -we're not telling you what's our highschool, yet. It was the afternoon assembly on the regeneration period of an extracurricular in our school, one that your mother... -wait, scratch that- I mean, Damsel and I joined. We actually joined on the same year, despite the fact she's my junior, so both of us are new in that club -cause extracurricular is such a long word.
And just like that, I saw her for the first time. She was wearing a scout uniform -you see, D is a sociable person unlike me, and she also joined Scout, and is looking so fresh. Fresh as a freshman -just FYI, she's a freshman. I was not interested at all -well, maybe a little- in her at that time. Back then, I only see her as someone I will be acquaintanced to.
The first words I hear from D was a simple introduction -it was meant so that everyone will get aquaintanced, it is a committee regeneration period after all, shyly spoken. After stating her name, *********** ***** ****** -not the real amount of letters, she finishes with a hint of a smile. Yea, she was showing off her rabbit teeth.
But never once I imagined that that rabbit smile will be my favorite for a long, long time.
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